PE Tech Talks

PE Tech Talk

Journey to Event Driven Architecture 

PE Tech Talk – Journey to event driven architecture
Date: Wednesday, 11 March 2020
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Venue: Deloitte, Level 9, 225 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Event-Driven Architecture is not a new concept. We have been talking about it for the past many years. Most often a design paradigm is just not enough, it must be supported by technology maturity, business requirements and most importantly the mindset to apply all of it in reality. 

Register and join us to hear from our experts and come prepared to ask any questions you may have.

Session 1
Title: Building Event-Driven Integration Architectures
Speaker: Dan Toomey – Senior Integration Specialist, Deloitte Platform Engineering
Description: This session will discuss the benefits of event-driven application design in a cloud-connected world, and how to leverage reactive programming on platforms such as Azure Event Grid and other serverless technologies to build extensible and resilient distributed architectures that scale.

Session 2
Title: EDA meets Data Engineering and Why is it a big deal?
Speaker: Guru Sattanathan – Systems Engineer at Confluent
Description: Event-Driven Architectures have been around for many years, much like Apache Kafka that first open-sourced in 2011. The reality is that the true potential of Kafka is only being realised now. Kafka is becoming the central nervous system of many of today’s enterprises. It is bringing a profound paradigm shift to the way we think about Enterprise IT. What has changed in Kafka to enable this paradigm shift? Is it not just a message broker, and how are enterprises using it today? This session will explore these key questions.

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